(Note: This post has been updated here)
Some of my students are absolutely in love with standards-based grading. Others aren't.
They are all amazed when I tell them other teachers around the state of Iowa (and the country) are implementing this system, too.
Here's my best attempt at aggregating those teachers' blogs. I'm sure that I've forgotten a few, so please leave your name and URL in the comments. I'll update this post as the list grows.
- Eric Townsley is an aspiring administrator, teaches high school math and blogs at Assessment for Instruction about his grading practices. Full disclosure: Eric is my brother :)
- David Cox teaches middle school math and blogs at Questions? about all of the great things he's trying out in his classroom. A description of his grading system is found here. (Note: David's blog URL changed recently, so you may see links to two different sites)
- Dan Meyer works for Google and teaches high school math part-time now. A few years ago, he wrote extensively about his standards-based grading system.
- Jason Buell has a catchy blog title, Always Formative. With so many posts worth reading, it's hard to highlight just a few. Advantages and disadvantages of standards-based grading are two that come to mind.
- Chad Sansing's blog, Classroots.org is focused on authentic engagement, but he has also taken some time to write about standards-based reporting, too.
- Becky Goerend is my sister! She teaches middle school math and reading as well as blogs about standards-based grading and the use of digital tools in her classroom.
- Becky's husband, Russ, has given standards-based journaling a try in his middle school language arts class. It seems to have lots of potential not only for more effectively communicating learning with stakeholders, but also simultaneously integrating digital tools along the way.
- Riley Lark teaches high school math and laid it all out in a post back in November, 2009. We teach a few hours away from each other, but sadly have never met face-to-face.
- Shawn Cornally is the newest addition to my RSS aggregator. He teaches physics, calculus and computer programming next door to me and I'm really thrilled that he's decided to start blogging. His series outlining standards-based grading implementation in specific disciplines is here.
- Kelly Nelsen teaches junior high and seems to have an interest in standards-based grading. I'm looking forward to her future writing from a non-math teacher's perspective.
- Kate Nowak aspires to be a lot like Dan Meyer (or at least the MathEdBlogging crew often teases her about it :) and her assessment scheme is closely related to Dan's, too. Kate does not let her students off lightly during re-assessment attempts.
- Steve Phelps has taken formative assessment to the extreme. Steve shares some Geogebra applets and math teaching ideas over at his blog, too. It's worth a look.
- Update: Thanks to a comment left below, "What it's like on the Inside" has some in-depth commentary on standards-based grading here.
- Dan Greene teaches high school math at a charter school. In addition to the worksheets, slides and lesson ideas he shares on his blog, I'm told that he is also an advocate for standards-based grading.
I hesitated to write this post for fear that I've left someone out. Consider this a "formative assessment" in need of correction.
Email me or leave a comment with your name and I'll update the post ASAP.