Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What do pre-service education departments need to know?

In April, I will begin serving a two-year term on the advisory committee for the education department at a small liberal arts college here in Iowa.  The commitment is two one-hour meetings per year.  Members include the general public, two students majoring in education, teachers (that's me) and administrators who work in schools that the college places their student teachers. 
"The role of the council is to advise the department on issues related to curriculum, pre-service methods classes, student teaching, and other matters related to the field of education."  
Aside from David Cox's suggestion of bringing up standards-based grading (don't worry, I will!), what else do pre-service education departments need to know from classroom practitioners?  Leave your thoughts in the comments below.  I'll do my best to represent YOU, my faithful blog readers. :)
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