Sunday, April 11, 2010

On the road again!

Last week, I had an afternoon Iowa Core district leadership team meeting on Monday and had a sub again all day Wednesday to attend the Iowa 1:1 Institute.  I will be gone again for a full day to start the week to co-present with Kathy Kaldenberg, Shannon Miller, and Deron Derflinger at the IASL Spring Conference.

I typically try to schedule written assessments for days I'm out of the classroom.  It is pretty easy for a substitute teacher to hand out a test or quiz and have students hand them into the basket when they're done.  Once students work on some review problems after the assessment, it pretty much fills up an 84-minute block. 

Well, being out of the classroom this often doesn't lend itself to easy planning.  There just aren't enough written assessments I can give to my students right now.  So, I decided to try yet another experiment in virtual education, this time in my Statistics & Discrete Math course. 

First, students will be asked to watch this video explaining the day's activities- a late night clip created by me with my MacBook and its build-in iSight camera.
Second, after reading a few pages from the textbook, students will watch this video from the textbook's website to see an example of a hypothesis test being worked out. 
Last, students will complete several problems from the textbook to practice the hypothesis test algorithm.

The last day we met together, we did several activities explaining the concept behind hypothesis testing, so they should be vaguely familiar with much of the terminology presented in the examples.  This virtual setup is far from ideal, but aside from assigning more busy work, it is the only way I could think of to push forward knowing that not many substitute teachers have a deep understanding of hypothesis tests. :)

What other great ideas are out there for keeping students busy (as sad as it sounds) AND learning while you're out of the classroom?
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