Monday, April 19, 2010

You, too, can become an expert

I'm amazed at the number of edu-bloggers who are giving standards-based grading a try in their classrooms.  I talked with a colleague in the parking lot one day and now he's blogging about it, too. 

I get emails and comments from readers asking for advice as I'm sure many of you do, too.
Newsflash:  I did not invent standards-based grading or a common sense approach to feedback.  I read about it somewhere else just like some of you have read about it here on MeTA Musings.  
I'm also amazed at the amount of credibility I apparently have built up locally here in Iowa regarding the Iowa Core's "assessment for learning" characteristic of effective instruction.  I've been asked to speak at several neighboring school district's professional development days, a state conference and at a local workshop following UCLA's Margaret Heritage.  I'm not trying to brag here, I promise. 

You, too, can become an "expert."  Here's a simple three-step process to gaining credibility from your local and virtual peers.
  1. Put theory into practice using a common sense approach and a bit of risk taking in your classroom.
  2. Write about it in an electronic medium.  Let your audience decide if its worth anything.  If it is, they'll share it with their virtual and face-to-face colleagues.  
  3. Repeat cycle.
When readers come-a-commenting, respond in an honest and transparent fashion.

Along the way, you're bound to do plenty of self-reflection.  That's a good thing.  Your students will surely benefit.

That's it. You're up.
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