Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From Points to Learning – Making Formative Assessment Meaningful

Today, I will be leading a two hour workshop for a cross-section of educators at three neighboring districts. 

Two hours seems like just enough time to challenge thinking, demonstrate how it worked in my classroom AND have ample time to answer questions.  Other than a three-day workshop, I co-led this summer, this will be the first time I've been allotted more than an hour.  I continue to believe that...
Without challenging one's educational beliefs related to grading, the formative assessment cycle tends to be viewed as an add-on.  So many educators claim they believe all students can learn at varying rates, but few secondary teachers embrace this philosophy through their grading practices
 and with two hours, I am hypothesizing many more will be able to get past the philosophical hurdle known as "grades."  
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