Monday, January 17, 2011

Why #iowacore chat?

I'm not a big fan of #edchat.  Personally, I think it's difficult to solve the education system's problems in 140 characters and given so many different local contexts.  This isn't to say I think it isn't for everyone, but it's just not for me.

At the request of some folks in Iowa, I've helped start a weekly #iowacore chat.  Each week, we discuss a topic related to a statewide initiative called the "Iowa Core."  I view this time as an hour of information gathering.  We recently talked about Outcome 6, so I gathered some resources to share with the group.   Because the Iowa Core has created a common language around the "what" and "how" of Iowa schools, it's closing the geographical gap for us here in the heartland.  I can learn about the processes and current improvement goals from schools in all corners of the state.  I get most excited about the opportunity to connect outside of the hour reserved each week to talk about Iowa Core.  Whether it's emailing Bridgette or Brad a day later or Skyping with Karl the next week, there's more to #iowacore than the 140 character conversations (although our future Department of Ed. head provided some memorable humor!) because these are colleagues I can count on at anytime to share what's working in their district up the road or across the state.
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