Once a month or so, I get an email or a tweet from an educator asking for help locating standards-based grading conversation starters and resources. The question usually sounds something like,
I want to help my principal/team/colleague learn more about standards-based grading. Where should I start?There are scores of resources available in the uncensored world known as Twitter and edublogging. For example, a de-centralized SBG gala ran its course not too long ago.
Sometimes it's nice to have peer-reviewed literature available to provide more scholarly fuel to the standards-based grading conversation. Here are a few of my favorite journal articles in no particular order.
- Scriffiny, Patricia L. "Seven Reasons for Standards-Based Grading." Educational Leadership 66.2 Oct. (2008): 70-74.
- Colby, Susan A. "Grading in a Standards-Based System." Educational Leadership 56.6 Mar. (1999): 50-55.
- Guskey, Thomas R., and Lee Ann Jung. "Grading and Reporting in a Standards-Based Environment: Implications for Students With Special Needs." Theory Into Practice 48 Jan. (2009): 53-62.
- Jung, Lee Ann, and Thomas Guskey. "Standards-Based Grading and Reporting: A Model for Special Education." Teaching Exceptional Children 40.2 Nov. (2007): 48-53.
- Melograno, Vincent J. "Grading and Report Cards for Standards-Based Physical Education." The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 78.6 Aug. (2007): 45-53.
- Jung, Lee Ann, and Thomas R. Guskey. "Grading Exceptional Learners." Educational Leadership 67.5 Feb. (2010): 31-35.
- Guskey, Thomas R. "Helping Standards Make the Grade." Educational Leadership 59.1 Sept. (2001): 20-27.
- Scott, Shelia. "What's in a Grade?" General Music Today 14.3 Winter (2005): 17-24.
- Clymer, Jacqueline B., and Dylan Wiliam. "Improving the Way We Grade Science." Educational Leadership 64.4 Dec. (2006): 36-42.
This is not by no means a complete list, but is instead a potential starting point for those looking to expand their repertoire. What "scholarly" resources have you been using to educate others about the benefits of standards-based grading? Add your additions to the list in the comments.
Edit: 9/4/2011 - Thanks, Jason for the SBG Gala 5 and 6 corrections.