Here's a quick summary of our grassroots journey towards changing grading practices district-wide to better provide student learning feedback to parents and students through the grade book.
- I learned about "grade book" fixes at the state math teachers' conference (thanks, Lynne!). After talking about it with my principal, I decided to give it a try with a section of Geometry students.
- A second teacher (a.k.a Shawn) begins to use standards-based grading after a parking lot conversation or two.
- I led a group of eight high school teachers through a ten-week study of articles focused on formative assessment and grading practices. The carrot: recertification credit through our area education agency and an opportunity to sit down and hash out our philosophy of education together over some good food.
Note: During summer 2010, I transitioned from classroom teacher to district administrator, in the same district.
- High school teachers who completed the study begin to implement changes to their grading and assessment practices.
- Two middle school teachers begin to implement changes to their grading and assessment practices.
- End of year: District establishes a study for 2011-12 that “stakeholders will analyze and study aspects of standards-based grading and reporting at all grade levels.”
District study: “SCSD stakeholders will analyze and study aspects of standards-based grading and reporting at all grade levels.”
- Building and district administrators hear Doug Reeves keynote emphasizing changing grading practices, “Leadership Focus: Doing the Right Things, Right Now” at School Administrators of Iowa conference.
- High school and middle school teachers discuss assessment and grading during professional learning time.
- High school teachers read and discuss “Making the Case for Standards-Based Grading” article online.
- Presentation to elementary teachers about ongoing discussions at middle school and high school.
- High school teachers currently implementing changes to their grading practices share with colleagues during professional learning time.
- Community advisory members learned about standards-based grading through presentation and discussion with administrators, teachers and students.
- High school teachers research articles and practitioner’s perspectives on homework, standards-based grading and assessment
- Middle school teachers discuss proposed grading guidelines.
- Board of education members learned about standards-based grading from administrators, teachers and students during a work session.
- Teachers continue to read articles, discuss proposed grading guidelines, and communicate with educators from other schools.
- Video and additional information posted on district website
- Student survey
- Anonymous staff perceptions survey based on proposed grading guidelines
- Parent/community forum
- After discussing grading guidelines, implementation plan, survey data and other documents, b
Professional learning at the middle school and high school focuses on implementing
the grading guidelines through "how-to"guides.
- Middle school and high school teachers implement the grading guidelines with at least one of their classes by the beginning of the fourth quarter.
- Middle school and high school teachers implement the grading guidelines in all classes at the beginning of the school year.