Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We're co-hosting a [free] standards-based grading conference

The school I work for has been on a standards-based grading journey for the past few years.  Interest from area schools in visiting our teachers' classroom seems to increase each month.  In addition, several neighboring schools have been making some significant progress in their grading reform practices.  We're teaming up to host a free conference (lunch included!) on April 24, 2013.  The target audience is secondary educators who are currently implementing standards-based grading that would like to learn from fellow practitioners who have worked through early implementation dips.
  • What does standards-based grading look like in social studies?
  • What does standards-based grading look like in a foreign language classroom?
  • How do I convert standards to a letter grade?
  • How does our school/district make this change systematically?
  • How does SBG impact admission into higher education?
  • I am a student experiencing SBG for the first time.  What does it look like?  [panel]
  • How is standards-based grading a gateway to competency-based education?
These are just a few of the questions we hope to answer through the highly personalized day of learning and networking.  We do not plan to live stream the entire conference, however we anticipate a pretty unique bi-product of the day: a website with videos uploaded by session facilitators capturing common problems and solutions.

More details, including a registration link, will be available in late January.  I hope to see many of you in attendance!  

P.S. Shawn will be keynoting - yet another reason to make the trek to Cedar Rapids, IA.  

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