Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How We Got Grading Wrong, and What to Do About It

A few months ago, I was interviewed for an article in ASCD's Education Update member newsletter, "How We Got Grading Wrong, and What to Do About It" (paywall link).  One of my favorite quotes from the article was a standards-based grading sports analogy:
"If you have a bad week practicing, you don't show up Friday night with minus five on the scoreboard."
I owe a lot of my thinking of the role of homework in secondary classrooms to Dr. Cathy Vatterott who was heavily quoted in the article as well.

A resource created for the Iowa Standards-Based Grading Conference several months ago was featured in this write-up, too. is a collection of standards-based grading videos created by classroom practitioners.  The site has experienced an increase in traffic during the past several months, particularly in early October.

Thank you, ASCD.
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