Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Points to Learning

On April 21, 2010 Eric and I were invited to speak to 250+ teachers and administrators in the Eastern Iowa.  Our afternoon presentation followed Margaret Heritage's morning session on formative assessment.  The day was part of a year-long Iowa Core Leadership Series sponsored by Grant Wood AEA.  The folks at Grant Wood were kind enough to record the entire day, but it's taken me until this week to post it online.  I hope you'll enjoy watching us in action as much as we enjoyed challenging the traditional assessment and grading schemes of those in attendance.  Bear with us for the first few minutes as we work through a few technical glitches on the stage.

From Points to Learning from Matt Townsley on Vimeo.
April 21, 2010 - Grant Wood AEA Iowa Core Leadership Series: Educators Matt Townsley and Eric Townsley discuss changing the culture of their secondary classrooms from an emphasis on points to learning. Standards-based grading is a theme throughout this nearly thirty minute presentation. For more information, visit

Feel free to critique our presentation in the comments. 
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