The most encouraging change I've seen this summer is the number of teachers taking the leap of transparency and blogging through their questions and thoughts on standards-based grading. Readers of this blog were asked to submit their own writing in the first ever standards-based grading gala. I thought it be great to provide an update on the list of blogs I've personally aggregated:
- How can a list be complete without including Shawn Cornally's ThinkThankThunk? My personal favorite is a post in which he attempts to "save SBG" in a rant aimed at those on the SBG fence.
- Undefined is a blog which is less than a month old. Check out her summer think aloud post as Jami attempts to put theory into practice. Jami says she is "drawn to SBG because I have such philosophical issues with our traditional grading practices
- Teaching Statistics is a blog that has been around for several years. I have a soft spot for anyone who teaches high school statistics, so I was naturally drawn to this one. Two posts worth reading related to assessment are "Nitty Gritty Details" and "What I've learned this summer."
- Always Formative is written by Jason Buell, a middle school science teacher. I see a lot of myself in Jason - not always confident about his writing ability, but in the end usually has more than enough content to fill a page. I bookmarked his "It's not the end, it's the beginning" post, because it illustrated how SBG is more than just a change in reporting grades - it leads to changes in so many other areas of teaching and learning.
- Gas Station Without Pumps is only a few months old at the time of publication. A critical eye towards standards-based grading is seen in this post. The author suggests SBG may not be for every course.
- Jessica Alzen's middle school math department is practically adding a new car to the SBG Express through the use of common assessments and planning times. Sure, this post was featured in SBG Gala #1, but it was too good not to pass on again. Frustrated with the solo assessment reform act going on in your school? Jessica's experience may be invaluable as you attempt to move forward.
- Persida teaches HS math and has a year of standards-based grading experience. Wondering what it's like a year after giving it a whirl? Check out "...Regrets and Reflections."
- Frank could have taught me high school physics. He's either that old or I'm that young - you make the call. :) Either way, I'm really happy he's decided to not only join twitter, but also start blogging about his classroom experiences. I enjoyed reading Frank's thoughts on standards-based grading and trust and I think you will, too.
- Space Between the Numbers is yet another new blog this summer. I enjoy reading about teachers frustrated with grading who want to do something about it.
- MissCalcul8 has been an avid Twitter user for sometime. This summer has been the ideal time for her and several others to begin planning their SBG fall roll out. Check out this blog and leave your comments.
- I had the pleasure of meeting Karl Fisch in person at ISTE 2010. Due to budget cuts in his district, he will be teaching a section of Algebra during the upcoming year. You guessed it - he's interested in standards-based grading and is sharing his thoughts on assessment with the world! I appreciate Karl because he takes the time to respond openly to all of his comment-ers in a way that makes every bit of push back feel worthy of more discussion.
- Terri Johnson joins the ranks of bloggers with a year's worth of SBG under her belt. Her "Year in Review" is unique because it is written from the perspective of an instructional coach and not related specifically to math.
- Kate Nowak posted several lists of SBG checklists towards the end of the school year. Browse around Kate's blog for lesson ideas and humorous stories about her students.
- My sister, Becky Goerend, is still one of my standards-based grading heros. When I started this journey over a year ago, she listened to me talk on the phone for what seemed like hours. Not only did she listen, but she didn't think I was silly and decided to give it a try with her 6th grade math students. Becky doesn't blog as much about SBG as I do, but when she does, I read it several times. One of my favorites revolved around re-takes.
- David Cox lays out his entire assessment system. Enough said.
- Teaching/grading/assessing/reporting responsibility usually comes up when discussing standards-based grading. Riley Lark shared his thoughts on that very topic. Riley also hosted the Virtual Soft Skills Conference. While not directly related to SBG, there's plenty of sharing and learning taking place via his blog.
- Sarah writes the Math Bratt blog. She shares her thoughts on implementing standards-based grading in a post from earlier this summer.
- Adam Glesser is jumping aboard the SBG Express this fall in his Finite Mathematics and Precalculus courses. He elaborates on four problems he needs to overcome in order to change the culture of his classroom using standards-based grading. If you're a new or experienced SBGer, Adam's writing is worth reading.
- Chris Ludwig is another blogger I was fortunate enough to meet in person at ISTE 2010 in Denver, CO. His science background makes him unique amongst so many math teachers in this list. "...Chemistry vs. Biology Standards" discusses differences between quantitative and qualitative courses as they relate to SBG.
- JT shares some thoughts on "What's working - for now..." related to SBG.
- Is standards-based grading possible in a history classroom? Stephen Lazar is on it. Read all about the journey here. So is Liz Becker. Check out her blog here.
- Signed Numbers is a blog written with a hands-on approach to teaching math. Jessica is interested in your help narrowing down her concept lists.
- Finally, Lisa Henry is one of the most enthusiastic bloggers/tweeters I've met this summer who is also rolling out standards-based grading this fall. Her "Tentative SBG Plan" is waiting for your comments!
Thanks to all of the comments, here are a few I missed:
- Eric Townsley, my brother, taught high school math for nine years and is now a middle school principal. He blogs at Assessment for Instruction about his grading practices and other education topics.
- Russ Goerend, my brother-in-law, has given standards-based journaling a try in his middle school language arts class. I'm secretly (guess it's not a secret anymore, eh?) hoping he'll blog more about this during the upcoming school year.
- Elizabeth Horner is utilizing SBG to help her 5th grade students actually like math. Standards-based grading has "elementary" roots, so it's great to have her on this list. Us secondary folks could probably learn a lot from Elizabeth and her colleagues.
- Mark Olson is from Sweden and is investigating criteria based grading. In his post, he writes "Students cannot focus on points … there are no points!" I have never been to Sweden, but it might now be added to my world travel short list.
- Amber Caldwell lists her Algebra 2 standards in a recent post. She laments, "I no longer use “Chapter 1 Test” or any other nonsense title. It has helped my students and parents so much." Rock on, Amber!
- I am ashamed to admit I forgot "Math Mama" Sue Van Hattum the first time around. Sorry, Sue! Her "Wading in the Water" commentary lays out her current SBG plan of attack.
- Ellena Bathea is a new blogger in my RSS feed. (Thanks for the tip, Chris L.!) She teaches chemistry and has a nice little series started, entitled "Unhelpful Grading Practices." Check out part 1 and part 2.